miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Practicum activities

Find here the introductory video of Unit 7, "Let's Travel around the world", which I taught to the group 1º BAT AA at Misteri D'Elx High School, as well as a WebQuest and two Symbaloo webmixes with very useful resources and tools to reinforce your learning and perform your tasks :

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Unit 3. Six Thinking Hats Activity

As a way to consolidate the contents acquired through Unit 3, I'd like to propose an activity I'm sure you'll enjoy. By basing on Orwell's 1984 let's discuss on the aspects about violation of human rights that we have found throughout the novel, focusing especially on freedom of speech and thought, freedom to have a love relationship and violation of privacy. For this activity the group will be divided into subgroups and we'll use six coloured hats (white, red, yellow, green, blue and black) depending on our thinking directions, for which I'll be guiding you during the progress of the activity.

Find this StoryboardThat by user Greenferret on the following link:


jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

What do you Know about 1984?

Thanks to this amazing tool, ThingLink, now you can learn in a different way about your favourite books and authors or any other topics you are interested in, by either having a look at this website's gallery or creating your own interactive images like the one below. This is one of the tasks you'll carry out for Unit 3, "Collecting Adventures". I'll give you all the instructions needed and, as you know, I'll be supervising your work in the computer lab.